Home > Fineas


What does Fineas mean?

Fineas Pronunciation of Fineas as a name for boys is an alternate form of Phineas: possibly from the Hebrew name Pinchas.



RELATIONS VIA PHINEAS Phinehas, Pincas, Pinchas, Pincus, Pinhas, Pinkus



Fineas Greysen (F.G.), ..

How popular is Fineas?

Fineas is an unusual given name for males. Fineas is also an unusual last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Phineas (#1332 THE PREVIOUS YEAR) is the only popular related form of Fineas (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Adoption of this form of Fineas was at its apex in 2018 (#1332). (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Phineas in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Fineas and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Fineas is pronounced similarly to Phineas. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aeneas, Aenneas, Aias, Aindreas (see Andrew), Aineas, Aineias, Aineis, Ainneas, Bialas, Dimas, Eneas, Enneas, Faine, Fane, Fares, Fenris, Fidal, Fidel, Fidele, Fidelis, Fidelo (see Fidel), Field, Fife, Fiinean (see Finnian), Filep, Filian, Fillan, Fin, Finan, Finbar, Finbarr, Findlay, Finegan, Finenn, Fingal, Fingall (see Fingal), Finian, Finlay, Finlea (see Finlay), Finlee, Finley, Finlie, Finn, Finna, Finnbar, Finnegan, Finnen, Finnian, Finnlea (see Finlay), Fintan, Fionan, Fionnan, Fiontan, Firdos, Firus, Flinders, Fons, Frean, Jonas, Niklas, Phinehas, Pincas, Pinchas, Pinhas, Silas, Uncas, Vitas, Yonas and Zenas. These names tend to be more commonly used than Fineas.
