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pinWhat does Finlay mean?

Finlay /fin-lay/ [2 sylls.] as a boys' name is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Finlay is "fair, white warrior".

Anglicized form of the Gaelic name Fionnlagh, derived from fionn meaning "white, fair" and laogh meaning "warrior, hero" or "calf". Fionnlagh may also have been modified by another local name, formed from Finn and the Old Norse leiker meaning "battle". The legendary hero Finn mac Cumhaill was famous for his wisdom and fairness. He was leader of the Fenians or Fianna, a band of warriors about whom many stories are told. Author Finley Peter Dunne.


Finlay has 15 variants: Findlay, Findley, Findlie, Finlea, Finlee, Finley, Finlie, Finn, Finndlay, Finndley, Finnlea, Finnley, Finnlie, Lee and Leigh.

Finlay has 3 more different relations via Finn: Fin, Fionn and Fynn.

Kreatif forms: Filay, Fionlay. [more]

pinHow popular is Finlay?

Finlay is an unusual given name for males but a very prominent last name for all people (#10258 out of 150436, Top 7%). (2000 U.S. Census)

Displayed below is the birth name popularity of Finlay for boys. Finlay reached its peak position of #57 in England in 2005, and is presently at #87. (2013 Birth Statistics)

Top 1000 baby names ranking of Finlay name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Finlay outside U.S.

Below is a charted analysis of the usage of the boy name Finlay and associated names. Popular varying forms of Finlay rated in the Top 1000 are Finley (#374 last year), Finn (#234), Finnley (#852), Fionn, Lee (#701) and Leigh. These boy names were at the peak of their popularity in 2014 (usage of 0.2627%), except for the version Lee which has become less in vogue. Finley (#374) and Finn (#234) are two of the more chic birth names here, with Finley enjoying a rebound in usage. (2014 Birth Statistics)

Top 1000 baby names ranking of Finley, Finn, Finnley, Lee, Leigh in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Finlay, Finley, Finn, Fionn, Lee outside U.S.
