Home > Freeborn


What does Freeborn mean?

Freeborn Pronunciation of Freeborn as a boys' name is of Old English origin. May date back to slave days, or to the era of widespread serfdom, when to be born free was worthy of commemoration.

SEE ALSO Freeman


ASSOCIATED WITH old english, slave (servant), widespread (famous)




Freeborn Devansh (F.D.), ..

How popular is Freeborn?

Freeborn is an uncommon given name for men but a very popular last name for both adults and children (#17719 out of 150436, Top 12%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

The only popular varying form of Freeborn (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) is Freeman. Adoption of this relation of Freeborn was well-received during the years 1900-1909 (#329), but now, Freeman has become less stylish. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Freeman in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Freeborn and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Bradburn, Claiborn, Clayborn, Creedon, Dearborn, Deerborn, Faebian, Faebien, Fedor, Felton, Fenton, Feodor, Ferron, Fraener, Fraenir, Frean, Fredo, Fredro, Free, Freed, Freedman, Freedom, Freeland, Freeman, Freemon, Freen, Freman, Fremont, Frewen, Frewin, Freydolf (see Fridolf), Friedman, Friedolf, Fryer, Klaiborn, Melborn (see Melbourne), Melburn, Milborn, Millborn (see Milburn), Osborn, Radborn (see Radburn), Raeborn (see Rayburn), Raebourn (see Rayburn), Raeburn, Rayborn, Sanborn, Sandborn, Sherborn, Sherbourn (see Sherborn), Sherburn, Siegbjorn, Swinborn, Washborn (see Washburn), Welborn, Welburn and Wellborn. These names tend to be more commonly used than Freeborn.
