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♂ Gardnar
What does Gardnar mean?
Gardnar as a boys' name is of Middle English derivation, and the meaning of the name Gardnar is "gardener". Gardnar is a variant form of Gardner (Middle English).
OTHER FORMS VIA GARDNER Gard, Gardell, Gardener, Gardenner, Gardie, Gardiner, Gardnard
Gardnar Tyrell (G.T.), ..
How popular is Gardnar?
Gardnar is a rare first name for males. Gardnar is a rare last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Gardner is the only popular related form of Gardnar (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Adoption of this relation of Gardnar reached its apex in the 1910s (#841). (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Barbar, Cadmar, Danar, Eadgar, Farquar, Farrar, Gainer, Gainor, Garan, Garen, Garin, Garlan, Garllan, Garman, Garnar, Garner, Garnet, Garnier, Garon, Garpar (see Gaspard), Garrad, Garran, Garrard, Garrat, Garrman (see Garman), Garvan, Gaspar, Gayner, Gaynnor (see Gaynor), Gaynor, Gordan, Gunnar▲, Hadar, Haidar, Harendar, Haydar, Kadar, Qadar, Ragnar and Raynar. Like Gardnar, these names are not frequently used.