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♂ Garrott
What does Garrott mean?
Garrott as a name for boys is a variant form of Garret (Irish, Gaelic): surname derived from Gerald and Gerard.
VARIANTS Garrot, Garritt, Garrett▼, Garett▼
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA GARRET Gareth, Garrard, Garreth, Garrith, Garry▼, Garyth, Gerrit, Gerritt, Gerrity, Jarret, Jarrett▼, Jarrot, Jarrott
Garrott Fox (G.F.), ..
How popular is Garrott?
Garrott is an uncommon given name for males but a very popular last name for all people (#39885 out of 150436, Top 27%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Garrott (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) appearing in the Top 2000 are Gareth, Garett, Garret, Garrett (#328 FROM RECENT DATA), Garry, Gerrit, Jarret and Jarrett (#1559). These forms of Garrott reached the top of their popularity in the year 2000 (ADOPTION OF 0.4%) and are now much less popular (ADOPTION 0.06%, DOWN 85%). (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Garrott is pronounced similarly to Garett▼, Garrat, Garratt, Garret▼, Garrett▼, Garritt and Garrot. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Arnott, Barnett, Barratt, Barrett▲, Bartt (see Bart), Dermott, Gannett, Gareth, Garion, Garith, Garmon, Garnet, Garnett, Garnock, Garold, Garon, GarrIk, Garrad, Garran, Garrard, Garreck, Garred, Garren, Garreth, Garrey, Garrick▼, Garrie, Garrin, Garrith, Garrman (see Garman), Garron, Garroway, Garrvey (see Garvey), Garrvie (see Garvey), Garry▼, Garryck, Garryk (see Garrick), Garson, Garth▼, Garton, Garyth, Gerolt, Gerrit, Gerritt, Gerrity, Gerrold, Jarett▼, Jarrett▼, Jarrot, Jarrott, Jerrett, Jerrott, Merrett, Merritt, Talbott and Walcott. These names tend to be more frequently used than Garrott.