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♂ Garryck
What does Garryck mean?
Garryck as a boys' name is an Old English name, and the meaning of the name Garryck is "spear-rule". Garryck is an alternate form of Garrick (Old English).
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, spear (warrior), rule (king)
VARIANTS Garryk, Garreck, GarrIk, Garek
Garryck Briggs (G.B.), ..
How popular is Garryck?
Garryck is an uncommonly occurring first name for men. Garryck is an equivalently uncommon surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Garrick is the only prominent alternative form of Garryck (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). This relation of Garryck was favored by parents 28 years ago, but now, Garrick has become less fashionable. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Aerrick, Arreck, Arrick, Barack, Bardrick, Barrick, Carrick, Corrick, Darick, Darrick▼, Darrock, Derreck, Derrick▼, Derryck, Deryck, Errick, Garey, Garlyn, Garnock, Garrad, Garran, Garrard, Garrat, Garratt, Garred, Garren, Garret▼, Garreth, Garrett▼, Garrey, Garrie, Garrin, Garrith, Garritt, Garrman (see Garman), Garron, Garrot (see Garret), Garrott, Garrvey (see Garvey), Garrvie (see Garvey), Garry▼, Garvy, Garvyn, Garwyn, Garwynn (see Garvin), Gary▼, Garyth, Gerry▼, Godrick, Harwyck (see Hardwick), Herrick, Herryck, Jerrick, Kadrick, Kerrick, Mavrick, Merrick▲, Orrick, Patrick▼, Rodryck (see Roderick), Tarick, Varick, Varrick, Warick, Warrick, Warwick and Yorrick. These names tend to be more commonly used than Garryck.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]