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What does George mean?

George Pronunciation of George as a boys' name is pronounced jorj. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of George is "farmer". From Greek Georgios, a derivative of geôrgos "farmer", from "earth" and ergein "to work". Saint George, a knight who became the patron saint of England, achieved legendary status through the medieval story of his struggle with a fire-breathing dragon, symbolic of the devil. George was a royal name in England, and was popular in the 18th century when there were four Hanoverian kings of the name. In the US, George Washington made it as popular. Use of the Geordi variants may be influenced by the character Geordi LaForge on the TV series "Star Trek: The Next Generation". See also Joren, Keoki, and Yuri. Singer George Michael; fashion designer Giorgio Armani; comedians George Burns, George Carlin; baseball player George "Babe" Ruth; American Presidents George Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush; actor George Clooney.


ASSOCIATED WITH greek, farmer, earth, saint, knight (warrior), england, legendary (mythology), medieval, story (literary), fire, dragon, popular (famous), 18th century, star, bush (tree)


VARIANTS Deorsa, Egor, Georas, Geordi, Geordie, Georg, Georges, Georgi, Georgie, Georgio, Georgios, Georgiy, Georgy, Gheorghe, Giorgi, Giorgio, Giorgios, Giorgino, Giorgius, Goran, Gyorgy, Gyuri, Igor, Jerzy, Jiri, Joeri, Joran, Jorck, Jordi, Jorg, Jorgan, Jorge, Jorgen, Joris, Jorn, Jory, Jurgen, Jurek, Jurian, Jurik, Orjan, Seoirse, Seoras, Sior, Siors, Siorus, Yegor, Yiorgos, Yorgos, Yorick, Yorik, Yuri, Yurik, Yuriy, Ygor

SEE ALSO Jordan, Juri

FEMININE FORMS Georgette, Georgia, Georgina, Yuridiana



George Holt (G.H.), ..

How popular is George?

George is a very prominent first name for males (#16 out of 1220, Top 1%) and also a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#227 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

George reached its highest position of #4 in the U.S. during the years 1900-1909, and is at #127 presently. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of George name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of George outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Jordan (#82 FROM RECENT DATA), Jorge (#261), Jordi (#1400), Yuri (#1856), Giorgio (#1981), Georgie and Jory are the prominent varying forms of George (#127) appearing in the Top 2000. Adoption of these relations of George reached its apex 138 years ago (ADOPTION OF 4.4%) and has become significantly lower since (ADOPTION 0.5%, DOWN 88%), with versions such as Jordan falling out of fashion.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of George, Georgie, Giorgio, Jordan, Jordi in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Jorge, Jory, Yuri in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of George, Jordan outside U.S.

Similar Names

George is alike in pronunciation to Jorje. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Dodge, Gage, Gaige, Garrie, Garve, Gauge, Gearey, Geary, Geert, Geir, Gene, Geof, Geoff, Geofrey, Geofry, Ger, Gere, Gerek, Gerik, Gerome, Geron, Gerred, Gerrey, Gerri, Gerrie, Gerrit, Gerry, Gery, Gjord, Gjorn, Gorav, Gorden, Gordie, Gordy, Gore, Goren, Gorin, Gorren, Gorten, Grange, Helge, Hodge, Lodge, Rodge, Sarge, Serge, Teige and Verge. These names tend to be less commonly used than George.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
