Home > Gerrald


What does Gerrald mean?

Gerrald Pronunciation of Gerrald as a boys' name is of Old German derivation, and Gerrald means "spear ruler". Gerrald is a version of Gerald (Old German): from gār.


ASSOCIATED WITH spear (warrior), ruler (king)


VARIANTS Girauld, Geryld, Gerrold, Gerrild, Gerolld, Gerold, Geralde

ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA GERALD Garald, Garold, Gearalt, Gearoid, Geraldo, Gerallt, Gerard, Geraud, Gerhard, Gerhold, Gerollt, Gerolt, Gerrard, Gerrell, Gerri, Gerry, Giraldo, Giraud, Jerald, Jerold, Jerrold



Gerrald Benedict (G.B.), ..

How popular is Gerrald?

Gerrald is an unusual given name for males but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#48963 out of 150436, Top 33%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Prominent alternative forms of Gerrald (NOT RANKED) are Gerald (#894 VIA LATEST LIST), Gerard (#1229), Garold, Geraldo, Gerhard, Gerold, Gerry, Jerald, Jerold and Jerrold. Other variants, like Garald, are seldom used. These relations of Gerrald were favored as baby names 88 years ago (MEDIAN #702) and have become significantly less common since, with forms like Gerald becoming somewhat dated. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Garold, Gerald, Geraldo, Gerard, Gerhard in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Gerold, Gerry, Jerald, Jerold, Jerrold in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Gerard outside U.S.

Similar Names

Gerrald is alike in pronunciation to Jerrald. Other recommended sound-alike names are Arnald, Bernald, Bernhald (see Bernal), Bernold (see Bernal), Bertold (see Berthold), Darrold (see Darold), Derald, Derrall, Derrold (see Darold), Everald, Fernald, Ferrand, Furnald, Garland, Garrad, Garran, Garrard, Garrat, Garratt, Garred, Gearard (see Gerard), Gemal, Gemali, Georas, Gerall, Gerant, Gerardo, Gerhardt, Gerhart, Gerlach, Germain, German, Germane, Germano, Germayn (see Germain), Gerrall (see Jerrell), Gerred, Gerrey, Gerrie, Gerrit, Gerritt, Gerrity, Gervais, Gervas, Gervase, Gervaso (see Gervase), Gerwazy (see Gervase), Girard, Gorrell, Guerrant, Harald, Herold, Herrold, Jerrad, Jerrall, Jerrard, Reinald, Reynald, Sewald, Terrall, Thorald, Torald and Verrall. These names tend to be more commonly used than Gerrald.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
