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♂ Gervas
What does Gervas mean?
Gervas as a name for boys is an Old German name. Gervas is a German form of Gervase (Old German): possibly derives from gêr "spear".
OTHER FORMS VIA GERVASE Garvey, Gervais, Gervasio, Gervasius, Gervaso, Gerwazy, Jarvis▼, Jervis
Gervas Emmett (G.E.), ..
How popular is Gervas?
Gervas is a rare given name for men. Gervas is a unique surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Jarvis (#1572 IN RECENT RANKINGS) is the only prominent alternative form of Gervas (NOT RANKED). Other variants, like Jervis, are seldom used. Adoption of this form of Gervas was at its highest during 1980-1989 (USAGE OF 0.03%) and has become much diminished since (USAGE 0.01%, ▼77%), with Jarvis going out of style. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Gervas is pronounced similarly to Gervaise, Gervase, Gervayse, Jarvis▼ and Jervis. Other recommended sound-alike names are Cordas, Darias, Demas, Galvan, Garlan, Garman, Garnar, Garpar (see Gaspard), Garrad, Garvan, Garve, Garven, Garvey, Garvie, Garvin, Garvy, Garvyn, Gavan, Gehan, Georas, Geovani, Geovany, Ger, Gerald▼, Gerant, Geraud (see Gerald), Gere, Gerek, Gerik, Gerlach, Germain, German, Germane, Germano, Germanus (see Germain), Germayn (see Germain), Germin, Gerold, Gerome, Geron, Gerrald, Gerrall (see Jerrell), Gerrard, Gerrie, Gerrit, Gerry▼, Gersham, Gerson, Gervais, Gervasio, Gervasius, Gervaso (see Gervase), Gerwazy (see Gervase), Gery, Geryld, Giovan, Girvan, Girven, Girvin, Goran, Gorham, Gorman, Gram, Graves, Gray, Seoras, Servaas, Servas, Seumas and Zenas. These names tend to be more frequently used than Gervas.