Home > Gianni


What does Gianni mean?

Gianni Pronunciation of Gianni as a name for boys is of Hebrew origin, and Gianni means "God is gracious". Gianni is a variant form of Gian (Italian, Hebrew): version of John. Gianni is also a variation of Giovanni (Italian, Hebrew).




VARIANTS Gianny, Gianney

RELATIONS VIA GIAN, GIOVANNI, JOHN Eian, Geovanni, Giannes, Giannino, Giannis, Giannos, Giovani, Giovanno, Giovanny, Giovonni, Hanno, Heanno, Ioannis, Ivann, Janne, Jian, Jianni, Jovanni, Seann, Yanni, Yanno




Gianni Zack (G.Z.), ..

How popular is Gianni?

Gianni is an unusual first name for men but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#26361 out of 150436, Top 18%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Gianni was first listed in 1980-1989 and reached its apex rank of #416 in the U.S. in the year 2018. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Gianni name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Gianni outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Prominent alternative forms of Gianni (#416 IN RECENT RANKINGS) ranked in the Top 2000 are Eian, Geovanni (#1495), Gian (#1221), Giovani (#1069), Giovanni (#144), Giovanny (#1550), Giovonni, John (#27) and Jovanni (#1046). These forms of Gianni were favored in the 1880s (AVERAGE #1800) and have become significantly less conventional since (#1096, DOWN 91%), with versions such as John becoming less in vogue. Gianni and Giovanni are two of the more trendy birth names among these.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Gianni, Eian, Geovanni, Gian, Giovani in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Giovanni, Giovanny, Giovonni, John, Jovanni in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of John outside U.S.

Similar Names

Gianni is alike in pronunciation to Gino, Janna and Jannai. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Amani, Barni, Dani, Gabbi, Gabi, Gadi, Gafni, Gaine, Gains, Gannet, Gannon, Gari, Gayne, Ghazi, Gidi, Gidon, Giladi, Gili, Gilon, Giorgi, Gleann (see Glen), Glenn, Glennie, Glenny, Glinn, Glynn, Gmali, Grange, Grant, Granvil, Guinn, Gunn, Gunne, Gwayn, Gwayne, Gwinn, Gwynn, Gyan, Hani, Imani, Lioni, Lionni (see Leon), Shani and Yovanni. These names tend to be more commonly used than Gianni.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
