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What does Gideon mean?

Gideon Pronunciation of Gideon as a boys' name is pronounced GIH-dee-en. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Gideon is "he who cuts down". Biblical: a hero and judge of Israel who won battles through skillful planning and faith rather than strength of arms alone. The name was used by the Puritans in the 17th century. The latter-day Gideons are the group responsible for placing Bibles in hotel bedrooms.


ASSOCIATED WITH hero, judge, battles (war), strength, puritans, 17th century


VARIANTS Gideone, Gidi, Gidon, Hedeon



Gideon Tru (G.T.), ..

How popular is Gideon?

Gideon is a rare first name for males but a very popular surname for all people (#7744 out of 150436, Top 5%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Gideon reached its apex rank of #304 in the U.S. in the year 2017, and is at #308 currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Gideon name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Gideon outside U.S.

Similar Names

Gideon is pronounced similarly to Godden, Godewyn, Godin, Godwin and Godwyn. Other recommended sound-alike names are Addeson, Adon, Aiden, Aldon, Biron, Cleon, Deon, Dillon, Dilon, Dion, Edon, Eiden, Eifion, Einion, Einon, Eion, Eldon, Gaeton, Galton, Galvon, Gannon, Garron, Garson, Garton, Gascon, Geof, Gibson, Gide, Gildo, Gildroy, Gilead, Gilean, Gilian, Gilleoin, Gilleon, Gillon, Gilon, Gilson, Girvan, Girvin, Girvon (see Girvin), Golden, Guido, Haddon, Hadon, Hideo, Judson, Keon, Keveon, Kieron, Kleon, Ladon, Ledon, Leon, Lidon, Lindon, Litton, Milton, Nilson, Nixon, Rishon, Riston, Simeon, Simon, Sion, Taveon, Timon, Vinson, Wilson and Zivon. These names tend to be more frequently used than Gideon.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
