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♂ Gillanders
What does Gillanders mean?
Gillanders as a boys' name is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Gillanders is "servant of St Andrew". From gille which means "servant of".
VARIANT Gillandreis
Gillanders Duncan (G.D.), ..
How popular is Gillanders?
Gillanders is an uncommonly occurring first name for men but a somewhat prominent last name for all people (#121058 out of 150436, Top 80%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Gillanders has yet to be recorded in the list so far. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Alcander, Alkander, Anders▲, Cleander, Flinders, Gaillard, Gaillardet, Gallagher, Gallard, Garland▼, Gellert, Ghilles (see Gillies), Ghillies (see Gillies), Giannes, Gianney (see Gian), Giannis, Giannos, Gilad, Giladi, Gilbert▼, Gilbride, Gilderoy, Gilead, Gilean, Giles▼, Gilian, Gillan, Gillaspie, Gillbey (see Gilby), Gillbie (see Gilby), Gillean, Gillen, Gilleon, Gillermo, Gilles, Gillett, Gillette, Gilley, Gillian, Gillies, Gillis, Gilliss, Gillman, Gillmore, Gillmour (see Gilmore), Gillon, Gilman, Gilmer, Glade, Glades, Glenden, Glyndwer (see Glendower), Glyndwr, Granger, Guillaume, Gullan, Gunners (see Gunther), Gurinder, Gurvinder, Gyandev, Landers, Liander, Nikander, Philander, Sanders, Saunders, Sellars, Sellers, Sikander, Villiers and Winters. These names tend to be more commonly used than Gillanders.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]