Home > Glendon


What does Glendon mean?

Glendon Pronunciation of Glendon as a boys' name is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Glendon is "settlement in the glen". Place name. Also form of Glen.


ASSOCIATED WITH scottish, gaelic


VARIANTS Glenden, Glendin, Glenton



Glendon Cohen (G.C.), ..

How popular is Glendon?

Glendon is a rare given name for men but a somewhat popular last name for all people (#84968 out of 150436, Top 56%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Glendon entered the list in 1900-1909 and reached its top position of #706 in the U.S. in the 1920s, but is not ranked at the moment. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Glendon name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Glendon outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Glen (#1893 IN RECENT RANKINGS) is the only other popular variation form of Glendon rated in the Top 2000. Adoption of these forms of Glendon was widespread in the 1930s (MEDIAN #434) and is now significantly lower, with the version Glen becoming somewhat dated.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Glendon, Glen in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Glen outside U.S.

Similar Names

Glendon is pronounced similarly to Glendyn. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aleron, Alsdon (see Alston), Andon, Beldon, Benton, Blandon, Blanton, Brandon, Brendon, Brenton, Claudon (see Claude), Cleavon, Cleon, Clevon, Clinton, Creedon, Eldon, Elsdon, Fenton, Gaeton, Galeno, Gannon, Genio, Geno, Geron, Gerson, Gidon, Gleann (see Glen), Glenavin, Glenavon, Glendale, Glendower, Glenn, Glennavon (see Glenavon), Glennie, Glennon, Glenny, Glinn, Glyndwr, Glynn, Gordon, Graydon, Greydon, Greyson, Hendron, Herndon, Jaedon, Jenson, Keenon, Keldon, Kendon, Kennon, Kenton, Kenyon, Kleon, Landon, Ledon, Leedon, Lindon, London, Lyndon, Meldon, Quenton, Randon, Renton, Seldon, Shandon, Sheldon, Swenson, Theodon, Trenton, Verdon, Weldon and Zenon. These names tend to be more commonly used than Glendon.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
