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♂ Gregos
What does Gregos mean?
Gregos as a boys' name. The name Gregos means "watchful, vigilant". Gregos is an alternate form of Gregory (Latin, Greek).
OTHER FORMS VIA GREGORY Greagoir, Greer, Greg▼, Greger, Gregers, Gregg▼, Greggory, Gregoire, Gregoor, Gregor, Gregori, Gregorio, Gregorios, Gregorius, Gregoriy, Greig, Grigor, Grigori, Grigory, Grygor, Grzegorz
Gregos Seamus (G.S.), ..
How popular is Gregos?
Gregos is an unusual given name for males but a somewhat prominent surname for all people (#148244 out of 150436, Top 99%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Gregos (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) appearing in the Top 2000 are Greg, Gregg, Greggory, Gregor, Gregorio, Gregory (#408 THE PREVIOUS YEAR) and Greig. These forms of Gregos reached the top of their popularity 6 decades ago (ADOPTION OF 1.25%) and are now significantly less conventional (ADOPTION 0.04%, DOWN 96.5%). (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Argos, Cletos, Delos, Demos, Eros, Gaeton, Geno, Geof, Geron, Graves, Greely, Grey▲, Greydon, Greyson▲, Kletos, Xenos, Yorgos and Zenos. Like Gregos, these names are not commonly used.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]