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♂ Harry
What does Harry mean?
Harry ▼ as a boys' name is pronounced HARE-ee. It is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Harry is "home leader". The English version of Henri. The name is used as a nickname of Henry and Harold. American use may be homage to President Harry S. Truman. Fictional character Harry Potter has also influenced the name. Prince Henry of Wales is widely known as Harry. Actor Harry Belafonte; American Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun; magician Harry Houdini.
ASSOCIATED WITH home, leader, fictional (literary), prince (king), justice
VARIANTS Hal▼, Harrie, Heimrich
RELATIONS VIA HAROLD, HENRY Arry, Hank▲, Harald, Harrell, Harri, Henri, Henryk, Herryck
CREATIVE FORMS(male) Hary, ..
(female) Harey, ..
Harry Atlas (H.A.), ..
How popular is Harry?
Harry is a very prominent first name for men (#70 out of 1220, Top 6%) and also a very prominent last name for all people (#3703 out of 150436, Top 2%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Harry reached its apex position of #11 in the U.S. during the years 1890-1899, and is at #620 presently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Henry (#16 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Hank (#457), Harold (#797), Henri (#1464), Hal, Harald, Harrell and Harrie are the popular related forms of Harry (#620). Other forms, like Henryk, are uncommon. These relations of Harry were favored as birth names a century ago (ADOPTION OF 4.4%) and have become significantly less popular since (ADOPTION 0.67%, ▼84.7%), with forms such as Harold becoming somewhat outmoded. Hank is the most contemporarily stylish birth name here.
Similar Names
Harry▼ is alike in pronunciation to Hairo, Hari, Hiro and Horry. Other recommended sound-alike names are Barry▼, Berry▼, Camry, Cary▼, Clarry, Corry, Curry, Darry, Derry, Garry▼, Gary▼, Gerry▼, Hadly, Hagly, Haily (see Haley), Haley, Halsy, Hanly, Hany, Hardey, Hardy▼, Harel, Harley▼, Harli, Harlo, Harly, Harlyn, Harm, Haron, Harrel, Harris, Hart, Harte, Harthy, Harun, Harv, Harve▼, Harvey▼, Harvy, Hasty, Hawly, Hurly, Jary, Jerry▼, Jorry, Kerry▼, Korry, Larry▼, Lary, Lawry, Lorry, Mabry, Maury, Morry, Murry, Orry, Parry, Perry▼, Qadry, Rorry, Terry▼ and Torry. These names tend to be less commonly used than Harry.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]