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♂ Herrold
What does Herrold mean?
Herrold as a boys' name. The meaning of Herrold is "army ruler". Herrold is a variant form of Harold (Scandinavian, Old English): from Old English here weald.
RELATED FORMS VIA HAROLD Garold, Harolda, Haroldo, Harrell, Heraldo, Herlad, Herrick, Herryck
Herrold Coleman (H.C.), ..
How popular is Herrold?
Herrold is an uncommon first name for men but a very popular last name for all people (#21493 out of 150436, Top 14%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Herrold (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000 are Garold, Harald, Harold (#797 A YEAR AGO), Harrell and Herold. Usage of these relations of Herrold was at its most widespread in the 1920s (ADOPTION OF 1.22%) and is now much lower (ADOPTION 0.02%, ▼98.7%), with the version Harold becoming less fashionable. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Arnold▼, Bernald, Bernhold, Bernold (see Bernal), Berthold, Bertold (see Berthold), Darold, Darrold (see Darold), Derald, Derrold (see Darold), Farold, Fernald, Gerald▼, Gerhold, Gerold, Gerolld (see Gerald), Gerrald, Gerrild (see Gerald), Gerrold, Geryld, Harford, Harrel, Harrford (see Harford), Harwood, Hercule, Heriot, Hermilo, Hermon▼, Hernly, Heroot (see Cherut), Herrik (see Herrick), Herrior, Herzel, Herzl, Heywood, Jerald▼, Jerold▼, Jerrald, Jerrod▼, Jerrold▼, Jerroll, Leopold, Leupold, Reinold, Reynold, Thorold and Verroll. These names tend to be more frequently used than Herrold.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]