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♂ Horace
What does Horace mean?
Horace ▼ as a boys' name is pronounced HOR-ess. It is of Latin origin. From Horatius, a Roman family clan name. Late 19th-century use may have been inspired by Roman poet Horace as well as an 1842 poem by Macaulay. Journalist Horace Greeley; basketball player Horace Grant.
ASSOCIATED WITH roman, clan (surname), 19th century
VARIANTS Horacio, Horatio, Horatius, Horaz, Horry, Oratio, Orazio
Horace Kennedy (H.K.), ..
How popular is Horace?
Horace is a very popular first name for males (#344 out of 1220, Top 28%) and also a very popular surname for all people (#15309 out of 150436, Top 10%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Horace reached its apex position of #90 in the U.S. in the 1880s, but is not in the list at the moment. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Horacio and Horatio are the prominent related forms of Horace. Adoption of these relations of Horace reached its highest 128 years ago (AVERAGE #1039), but now, the form Horace has become somewhat outmoded.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Boyce, Brice▼, Bruce▼, Bryce, Cace, Chace▼, Dace, Dorrance, Hale, Harald, Harlee, Harlie, Harloe, Harrie, Harte, Harve▼, Harvee, Harvie, Herbie, Hermie, Herne, Hersch, Herve, Hiram▼, Hirsch, Hobard, Hobart▼, Hobie, Hodge, Hogan, Homar, Homere, Honore, Horslea (see Horsley), Horsley, Horslie (see Horsley), Horsly (see Horsley), Horst, Horten, Horton, Howard▼, Howe, Howie, Hoyce, Hurlee, Hyram, Ignace, Jace▲, Larance, Lorance, Lorence, Lowrance, Mace, Merce, Morice, Morrice, Pace, Perce, Ponce, Price, Pryce, Roice, Royce▲, Torence, Torrance and Trace. These names tend to be less frequently used than Horace.