Home > Ilari


What does Ilari mean?

Ilari Pronunciation of Ilari as a name for boys (also used as girls' name Ilari) has its root in Latin, and the meaning of the name Ilari is "cheerful, happy". Ilari is a Russian form of Hilary (Latin): English variation of Latin Hilarius.

ASSOCIATED WITH cheerful (happy)


VARIANTS Ilario, Ilaria

ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA HILARY Helario, Hilar, Hilaria, Hilarid, Hilarie, Hilario, Ilar, Ilarion, Illario

(male) Ilire, ..

(female) Ilire, ..

Ilari Yusuf (I.Y.), ..

How popular is Ilari?

Ilari is an unusual first name for men. Ilari is an equivalently uncommon last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Popular varying forms of Ilari (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Hilario and Hilary. Other forms, like Hilarid, are uncommon. Adoption of these relations of Ilari was at its peak 98 years ago (AVERAGE #1095). (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Hilario, Hilary in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Ilari and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Ilari is alike in pronunciation to Alerio and Ellary. Other recommended sound-alike names are Bari, Gari, Hari, Ilan, Imani, Imri, Inar, Itai, Ivar, Iyar, Kari and Omari. Like Ilari, these names are not frequently used.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
