Home > Iosip


What does Iosip mean?

Iosip Pronunciation of Iosip as a name for boys has its root in Hebrew, and Iosip means "Jehovah increases". Iosip is a version of Iosef (Russian, Hebrew): form of Joseph.


VARIANTS Yusup, Osip, Iosep

RELATED FORMS VIA IOSEF, JOSEPH Iosif, Jodi, Jodie, Joop, Jose, Josef, Josep, Josif, Josip, Joss, Josue, Yusif

(male) Issip, ..

(female) Iosha, ..

Iosip Ariel (I.A.), ..

How popular is Iosip?

Iosip is an unusual first name for men. Iosip is an equally uncommon surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Joseph (#23 IN 2018), Jose (#89), Josue (#225), Josef (#1819), Jodi and Jodie are the prominent variation forms of Iosip (NOT RANKED). Usage of these forms of Iosip was at its apex in the 1910s (MEDIAN #1099) and has become much diminished since (#1026, 68.9%), with versions such as Jose falling out of fashion. Josue is the most contemporarily stylish birth name among these. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Jodi, Jodie, Jose, Josef, Joseph, Josue in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Josef, Joseph outside U.S.

Similar Names

A suggested similar-sounding name is Isia. Like Iosip, this name is not frequently used.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
