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♂ Irenio
What does Irenio mean?
Irenio as a boys' name is of Spanish and Greek origin, and the meaning of Irenio is "peace". Masculine form of Irene.
Irenio Giorgio (I.G.), ..
How popular is Irenio?
Irenio is an unusual first name for men. Irenio is an uncommon last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Irene is the only popular alternative form of Irenio (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000. This relation of Irenio was favored by parents a century ago (#838). (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Alerio, Alexio, Amelio, Arcelio, Arcenio, Arcinio, Argentio, Ario, Arrio, Arsanio (see Arsenio), Arseenio (see Arsenio), Arseinio (see Arsenio), Arsemio (see Arsenio), Arsenio, Arsinio (see Arsenio), Artemio, Aurelio, Bricio, Brizio, Celio, Decio, Dionio, Emelio, Ennio, Erminio, Esebio, Eugenio, Franio, Genio, Ifigenio (see Eugene), Ilario, Imani, Inacio, Indio, Ingo, Inigo, Innis, Ioanis, Irven, Irvin▼, Irwin▼, Ivano, Iven, Junio, Oratio, Orazio, Orsonio (see Orson), Parmenio, Terencio and Tonio. These names tend to be more frequently used than Irenio.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]