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♂ Jaap
What does Jaap mean?
Jaap as a boys' name is of Hebrew origin, and the name Jaap means "he who supplants". Jaap is an alternate form of Jacob (Hebrew).
ASSOCIATED WITH supplants (victory)
OTHER FORMS VIA JACOB Iago, Jack, Jacko, Jacky, Jaco, Jacopo, Jago, Jaime, Jake▼, Jakeb, Jakie, Jakob▼, Jakov, Jakub, James▼, Jamey▼, Jamie▼, Jay▼, Jayme, Jeb, Jim▼, Yakup
Jaap Presley (J.P.), ..
How popular is Jaap?
Jaap is an uncommon first name for men but a somewhat popular last name for all people (#78035 out of 150436, Top 52%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Jack (#28 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Jacky, Jacob (#13), Jaime (#512), Jake (#262), Jakeb, Jakie, Jakob (#701), Jakub, James (#4), Jamey, Jamie (#722), Jay (#399), Jayme, Jeb and Jim are the popular variation forms of Jaap (UNLISTED) listed in the Top 2000. Usage of these forms of Jaap reached its peak during 1940-1949 (AVERAGE #1065) and has become significantly reduced since (#1165, ▼67%), with forms like James becoming less fashionable. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Jaap is alike in pronunciation to Joop. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Cap, Chap, Ja-, Jabar, Jacan, Jace▲, Jacq, Jacy, Jada, Jade, Jae, Jael, Jafar, Jagu, Jahan, Jai, Jair, Jak, Jalal, Jalan, Jamal▼, Jamar▼, Jame, Jan▼, Janak, Janan, Jano, Jaq, Jarad, Jarah, Jaran, Jaray, Jarl, Jary, Jase▼, Javan, Javi, Jax▲, Jayar, Jaye, Jazz, Jean▼, Jian, Joab, Joao, Juan▼ and Nap. These names tend to be more frequently used than Jaap.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]