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♂ Jakobe
What does Jakobe mean?
Jakobe as a boys' name is of Hebrew derivation, and the meaning of the name Jakobe is "he who supplants". Jakobe is a version of Jacob (Hebrew).
ASSOCIATED WITH supplants (victory)
VARIANTS Jakub, Jakob▼, Jakeb, Jackob
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA JACOB Iakob, Iakobos, Iakov, Jackie▼, Jacko, Jackobus, Jaco, Jacobi, Jacobo, Jacobus, Jacoby, Jacopo, Jago, Jaime, Jake▼, Jakie, Jakov, Jamie▼, Jayme, Yakov
Jakobe Marcellus (J.M.), ..
How popular is Jakobe?
Jakobe is an uncommon given name for males. Jakobe is an equivalently unique surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Jakobe was first listed in 1998 and reached its top position of #816 in the U.S. in 2003, and is presently at #1238. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Jackie (#1771 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Jacob (#13), Jacobi (#1351), Jacobo, Jacoby (#844), Jaime (#512), Jake (#262), Jakeb, Jakie, Jakob (#701), Jakub, Jamie (#722), Jayme and Yakov (#1506) are the prominent variation forms of Jakobe (#1238). Other variants, like Jacopo, are seldom used. These forms of Jakobe reached the peak of their popularity 19 years ago (ADOPTION OF 2.3%) and are now much less conventional (ADOPTION 0.8%, 63.1% LESS), with versions like Jake becoming less in vogue.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Cabe, Cobe, Danube, Fabe, Gabe, Jabes, Jabez, Jace▲, Jacot, Jacque, Jade, Jadon▼, Jae, Jaice, Jaide, Jaimie, Jairome, Jak, Jakeem, Jakim, Jakson, Jalon, Jame, Jamee, Jamile, Jamon, Jamond, Janko, Janne, Jano, Janos, Janse, Jareb, Jarod▼, Jaron▼, Jaronn, Jarvee, Jase▼, Jason▼, Javon▼, Javonte▼, Jaxon▲, Jayce▲, Jaycee, Jayde, Jaydee, Jaye, Jaymie, Jayvee, Jerome▼, Jerone, Job, Jobe, Joben, Joby, Joe▼, Jose▼, Jove, Kobe▼, Tobe▼ and Yakob. These names tend to be more frequently used than Jakobe.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]