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♂ Jammal
What does Jammal mean?
Jammal as a boys' name has its root in Arabic, and Jammal means "camel; handsome". Jammal is a variant form of Gamal (Arabic). Jammal is also a variation of Jamal (Arabic): popular among black.
VARIANTS Jomall, Jomal, Jomahl, Jimal, Jimahl, Jemall, Jemal, Jemahl, Jemaal, Jamill, Jamile, Jamil, Jamiel, Jamell, Jamel▼, Jameel, Jamaul, Jamall, Jamahl, Jamael, Jamaal▼
RELATED FORMS VIA GAMAL, JAMAL Gamali, Gamul, Gemal, Jahmal
Jammal Deshawn (J.D.), ..
How popular is Jammal?
Jammal is an uncommon given name for males but a very popular surname for all people (#68973 out of 150436, Top 46%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Jammal (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) appearing in the Top 2000 are Jahmal, Jamaal, Jamal (#766 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Jamall, Jameel, Jamel (#1741), Jamell, Jamil (#1699) and Jemal. These relations of Jammal reached the top of their popularity 3 decades ago (AVERAGE #1232) and are now significantly less widespread (#1800, DOWN 75.3%), with forms like Jamaal becoming less trendy. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Jammal is alike in pronunciation to Jamelle. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Akmal, Amal, Aqmal, Cathal, Danal, Danial, Darral, Faical, Faisal, Faysal, Gammel, Hamal, Hammad, Hammar, Ismal, Jabar, Jabbar, Jabril, Jacan, Jacian, Jada, Jael, Jaelan, Jafar, Jahan, Jaime, Jaimie, Jalal, Jalan, Jallal, Jamar▼, Jamarr, Jamee, James▼, Jamey▼, Jamie▼, Jamin, Jamon, Jamond, Janak, Janan, Janna, Jannai, Jaquan▼, Jarad, Jaran, Jaray, Jarel, Jarell, Jarman, Jarmann (see Jarman), Jarrad, Jarrah, Jarrall (see Jarrell), Jarran, Jarryl, Jaryl, Jasha, Jaspar, Jayar, Jaylan▼, Jayme, Jelal, Jemar, Jemmie, Jerman, Jimmie▼, Jimmy▼, Jomar, Jubal, Kamal, Laval, Magal and Manual. These names tend to be more frequently used than Jammal.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]