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♂ Jarrott
What does Jarrott mean?
Jarrott as a name for boys has its roots in Old German and Hebrew, and the name Jarrott means "apear-brave; down-flowing". Jarrott is an alternate spelling of Garret (Irish, Gaelic): surname derived from Gerald and Gerard. Jarrott is also a derivative of Jarrett (Old German): variant and surname respelling of Garrett. Jarrott is also used as a variation of Jordan (Hebrew).
VARIANTS Jerrott, Jerrot, Jerrett, Jerett, Jarrot, Jarret, Jarett▼
RELATIONS VIA GARRET, JARRETT, JORDAN Garett▼, Garreth, Garrett▼, Garrith, Garritt, Garrot, Garrott, Gerritt, Jarod▼, Jarred▼, Jarrod▼, Jerrod▼
Jarrott Jay (J.J.), ..
How popular is Jarrott?
Jarrott is an uncommonly occurring first name for males but a somewhat prominent surname for all people (#121058 out of 150436, Top 80%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Garett, Garret, Garrett (#328 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Jarett, Jarod, Jarred, Jarret, Jarrett (#1559), Jarrod, Jerrett, Jerrod and Jordan (#82) are the prominent varying forms of Jarrott (NOT RANKED) ranked in the Top 2000. Other variants, like Jerett, are seldom used. Adoption of these forms of Jarrott reached its peak in the year 1998 (MEDIAN #629) and has become significantly reduced since (#1664, ▼74%), with forms like Garrett becoming less in vogue. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Arnott, Barnett, Barratt, Barrett▲, Bartt (see Bart), Dermott, Garnett, Garratt, Jacot, Jairo, Jairome, Jareth, Jarlath, Jaron▼, Jaronn, Jarrad, Jarrah, Jarrall (see Jarrell), Jarran, Jarrard, Jarrel, Jarrell, Jarren, Jarreth, Jarrid, Jarrin, Jarron, Jarryd, Jarryl, Jayron, Jayronn, Jerrold▼, Jerroll, Jerrome, Jerron, Jerrone, Merrett, Merritt, Talbott and Walcott. These names tend to be more frequently used than Jarrott.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]