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♂ Jaylin
What does Jaylin mean?
Jaylin ▼ as a boys' name is an American name. Jaylin is a version of Jaylen (American): contemporary blend of Jay and Len.
VARIANTS Jaylon▼, Jaylan▼, Jalon
Jaylin Rodrigo (J.R.), ..
How popular is Jaylin?
Jaylin is a rare given name for men. Jaylin is an equally unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Jaylin entered the list in 1993 and reached its peak position of #387 in the U.S. in the year 2002, and is presently at #1362. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Jaylin (#1362 LAST YEAR) are Jalon, Jaylan, Jaylen (#342) and Jaylon (#1337). These forms of Jaylin were at the peak of their popularity a decade ago (MEDIAN #667) and have become much less common since (#1408, ▼62%), with versions such as Jaylin becoming less fashionable.
Similar Names
Jaylin▼ is pronounced similarly to Jaelan, Jaelin, Jaelon, Jailin, Jaillen, Jaillin, Jailon, Jalan, Jalen▼, Jalenn, Jalon, Jayelan, Jayelen, Jaylan▼, Jaylen, Jaylon▼, Jaylonn, Julian▲ and Julien▲. Other recommended sound-alike names are Baylen, Braylin, Cailin, Carlin, Catlin, Caydin, Dallin▼, Daylan, Daylen, Daylin, Daylon, Deylin, Galin, Gamlin, Garlin, Gaylen, Gaylin, Gaylinn, Gaylon, Hamlin, Harlin, Haylan, Jabin, Jacqin, Jaidin, Jalil, Jalin, Jamin, Jarin, Jarrin, Jasin, Jaycen, Jayden, Jaydon▼, Jaymie, Jayron, Jayson▲, Jayven, Joslin, Kaelin, Kalin, Karlin, Katlin, Kaydin, Malin, Marlin▼, Maslin, Nalin, Rayvin, Talin, Tallin, Taylan, Taytin, Waylin, Waylon▲ and Weylin. These names tend to be more frequently used than Jaylin.