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♂ Jerad
What does Jerad mean?
Jerad ▼ as a boys' name is of Hebrew and English origin, and the meaning of the name Jerad is "descending". Jerad is an alternate form of Jared (Hebrew): related to Jordan. Jerad is also a variation of Jerrod (English): form of Garrett.
VARIANTS Jerryd, Jerrad, Jerod▼, Jaryd, Jarrod▼, Jarrid, Jarrad, Jarod▼, Jarid
RELATED FORMS VIA JARED, JERROD, JORDAN Jarad, Jarrard, Jarred▼, Jered, Jerred, Jerrot, Jordao, Jordi, Jordy▲, Jori, Jory, Jud, Judd
CREATIVE FORMS(male) Jead, ..
(female) Jerada, ..
Jerad Cesar (J.C.), ..
How popular is Jerad?
Jerad is a rare first name for men. Jerad is an equivalently rare last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Jerad was first listed in 1970-1979 and reached its highest rank of #650 in the U.S. during the years 1980-1989, but is not found in the list currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Jarad, Jared (#367 VIA LATEST LIST), Jarid, Jarod, Jarrad, Jarred, Jarrid, Jarrod, Jaryd, Jered, Jerod, Jerrad, Jerred, Jerrod, Jordan (#82), Jordi (#1400), Jordy (#877), Jory and Judd (#1700) are the popular related forms of Jerad. Other variants, like Jarrard, are seldom used. These relations of Jerad were favored by parents 20 years ago (ADOPTION OF 1.31%) and have become significantly less common since (ADOPTION 0.33%, ▼75%), with forms like Jerad becoming less fashionable. Jordan has been the most prominent, though Jordy has become trendy as well.
Similar Names
Jerad▼ is alike in pronunciation to Geraud, Giraud and Jarryd. Other recommended sound-alike names are Brad▼, Elrad, Herlad, Jarah, Jaran, Jarard, Jaray, Jean▼, Jed▼, Jedd, Jehan, Jeladi, Jelal, Jemal, Jemar, Jerack (see Jerrick), Jerae, Jerah, Jerald▼, Jeraldo (see Jerald), Jerall, Jeramy, Jeran, Jerant, Jerard, Jerardo, Jerarrd (see Gerard), Jere, Jerek, Jerel, Jeren, Jeriah, Jeric, Jeril, Jerk, Jerman, Jerold▼, Jeron, Jerrah, Jerrald, Jerrard, Jerre, Jerri, Jerry▼, Jeryl, Jerzy, Jevan, Joram, Joran, Mead, Medad and Read. These names tend to be more commonly used than Jerad.