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♂ Jerard
What does Jerard mean?
Jerard as a boys' name is pronounced je-RARD. It is of French origin. Variant of Gerard. Jerrard is also an English surname.
OTHER FORMS VIA GERARD, JERRARD Garrard, Gearard, Gerardo▼, Geraud, Gerhard, Gerhardt, Gerhart, Gerrard, Gerri, Gerry▼, Gherardo, Girard, Giraud, Jarard, Jared▼, Jerarrd, Jerry▼
Jerard Hollis (J.H.), ..
How popular is Jerard?
Jerard is an unusual given name for men but a somewhat prominent surname for both adults and children (#112967 out of 150436, Top 75%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Jared (#367 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Gerardo (#562), Jerry (#601), Gerard (#1229), Gerhard, Gerhardt, Gerry, Girard and Jerardo are the prominent alternative forms of Jerard (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). These forms of Jerard reached the height of their popularity 78 years ago (MEDIAN #1088) and have become significantly less widespread since (#1417, DOWN 90.9%), with versions like Gerry becoming somewhat dated. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Jerard is pronounced similarly to Gerrard, Girard, Jarard, Jarrard and Jerarrd. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Bernard▼, Derald, Derward, Everard, Evrard, Gearard (see Gerard), Gerald▼, Gerardo▼, Geraud (see Gerald), Gerhard, Jarad, Jemar, Jemarr, Jenaro, Jerack (see Jerrick), Jerad▼, Jerae, Jerah, Jerald▼, Jeraldo (see Jerald), Jerall, Jeramy, Jeran, Jerant, Jered, Jerod▼, Jerold▼, Jerrad, Jerrald, Jerre, Jerred, Jerri, Jerrod▼, Jerry▼, Jerryd (see Jerrod), Lenard▼, Menard, Renard, Seward, Sherard and Vernard. These names tend to be more commonly used than Jerard.