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♂ Jeromo
What does Jeromo mean?
Jeromo as a boys' name is of Greek origin, and the name Jeromo means "sacred name". Jeromo is an alternate spelling of Jerome (Greek): from Hieronymos.
OTHER FORMS VIA JEROME Gerome, Geronimo, Hierome, Jairome, Jeroen, Jeronimo, Jerrome, Jerron, Jerrone, Jerry▼
Jeromo Branson (J.B.), ..
How popular is Jeromo?
Jeromo is a rare first name for men. Jeromo is a unique last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular alternative forms of Jeromo (NOT RANKED) are Jerry (#601 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Jerome (#870), Gerome, Geronimo, Jeronimo and Jerron. Other variants, like Hierome, are seldom used. These forms of Jeromo were favored as baby names in the 1940s (AVERAGE #1326) and have become much less conventional since, with versions like Jerome becoming somewhat outmoded. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Jeromo is pronounced similarly to Jeramee, Jeramey, Jeramie, Jeramy, Jeremia, Jeremie, Jeremy▼ and Jeromy▼. Other recommended sound-alike names are Como, Jacobo, Jacopo, Jaromir, Jaron▼, Jaronn, Jem, Jemmy, Jeno, Jerack (see Jerrick), Jerad▼, Jerae, Jerald▼, Jeraldo (see Jerald), Jerall, Jeran, Jerard, Jerardo, Jere, Jereck, Jered, Jerell, Jereme, Jeren, Jerett, Jeriah, Jeric, Jerico, Jermin, Jermyn, Jerod▼, Jerold▼, Jeroll, Jeron, Jerone, Jerrah, Jerre, Jerren, Jerrey (see Jerry), Jerrico, Jerrie, Jerrik, Jerrin, Jerriq, Jerrod▼, Jerrold▼, Jerrot, Jerrott, Jerryd (see Jerrod), Jervis, Jeryl, Jerzy, Jethro, Jevon▼, Jherico, Joao, Joram, Jordao, Jorim, Joron, Marimo, Merom, Nemo, Palomo, Remo, Salomo and Selmo. These names tend to be more frequently used than Jeromo.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]