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♂ Jestin
What does Jestin mean?
Jestin as a boys' name is pronounced JESS-tin. It is of Welsh origin. Variant of Justin.
RELATED FORMS VIA JUSTIN Just, Justain, Justan, Juste, Justen, Justinas, Justino, Justinus, Justis, Justo, Justus▲, Justyn▼
Jestin Jovanni (J.J.), ..
How popular is Jestin?
Jestin is an unusual given name for males. Jestin is an equally unusual last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Jestin was first listed in 1980-1989 and reached its highest position of #1929 in the U.S. then, but is not found in the list currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Justen, Justin (#141 LAST YEAR), Justis, Justo, Justus (#972) and Justyn are the popular variation forms of Jestin. These forms of Jestin were at the peak of their popularity during 1980-1989 (USAGE OF 1.6%) and have become significantly less widespread since (USAGE 0.2%, ▼89%). Justin has generally been the top pick of parents, though Justus has become popular as well, while forms like Justyn have become less contemporary.
Similar Names
Jestin is pronounced similarly to Justain, Justan, Justen and Justyn▼. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Alstin, Austin▼, Bertin, Destan, Destin, Deston, Dustin▼, Feltin (see Felton), Jasin, Jeavin, Jenkin, Jentian, Jermin, Jerrin, Jessie▼, Jevin, Jevvin (see Jevon), Joslin, Justinas, Justino, Justinus, Justis, Keltin, Kentin, Ostin, Rustin, Teytin, Westen, Westin▲ and Weston▲. These names tend to be more commonly used than Jestin.