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♂ Jonn
What does Jonn mean?
Jonn as a boys' name. The name Jonn means "God is gracious; gift of God". Jonn is an alternate spelling of Jon (English, Hebrew): variation of John.
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA JON Jonnie, Jonny, Jontae, Jonte
Jonn Atharv (J.A.), ..
How popular is Jonn?
Jonn is a rare first name for men. Jonn is also a rare last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Jon (#754 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Jonnie, Jonny and Jonte are the popular related forms of Jonn (NOT IN TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000. Usage of these forms of Jonn was more pronounced among parents 58 years ago (MEDIAN #1181) and is now much less. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Jonn is alike in pronunciation to Gene▼, Gian, Jan▼, Janne, Jean▼, Jian, John▼, Johnn, June and Juwan▼. Other recommended sound-alike names are Conn, Donn, Dunn, Eann, Fenn, Finn▲, Fionn, Fynn, Gunn, Janan, Janna, Jano, Jaronn, Jeno, Jens, Jino, Jo, Joab, Joao, Job, Jobe, Joby, Jock, Jodi, Jody▼, Joe▼, Joel, Joey▼, Johan▲, Johann, Johnny▼, Johon, Jona, Jonah▲, Jones, Jonson, Joop, Joos, Joran, Jorg, Jorn, Joron, Jory, Jose▼, Josh▼, Jovan, Jovann, Jove, Jovi, Jovin, Juan▼, Kenn, Lenn, Lonn, Lunn, Lynn▼, Mann, Penn, Ronn, Shonn, Vann, Vonn, Winn, Yann and Zann. These names tend to be more frequently used than Jonn.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]