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♂ Josep
What does Josep mean?
Josep as a boys' name is of Hebrew derivation, and Josep means "Jehovah increases". Josep is a version of Joseph (Hebrew). Biblical: the son of Jacob who.
VARIANTS Josip, Jessup, Jessop
OTHER FORMS VIA JOSEPH Iosef, Iosep, Iosif, Iosip, Jo, Jodi, Jodie, Jody▼, Joey▼, Joop, Joos, Jose▼, Josef, Joseito, Josephe, Josephus, Josif, Joss, Josue▲, Joszef, Jozef, Osip, Yousef▲, Yusup
CREATIVE FORMS(male) Jasep, ..
(female) Joper, ..
Josep Marquis (J.M.), ..
How popular is Josep?
Josep is an uncommon given name for men. Josep is an equally rare last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Joseph (#23 VIA LATEST LIST), Jose (#89), Josue (#225), Joey (#742), Yousef (#790), Josef (#1819), Jo, Jodi, Jodie, Jody and Josephus are the popular variation forms of Josep (NOT RANKED). Adoption of these forms of Josep was at its apex during 1910-1919 (MEDIAN #1476) and is now much lower (#1244, ▼67.7%), with forms like Joey going out of style. Josue and Yousef are two of the more trendy baby names in this compilation. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Jase▼, Jasen▼, Jobe, Joben, Jodey, Joe▼, Joed, Joel, Jomei, Jones, Jorel, Joren, Jorey, Josh▼, Josia, Josua and Jove. These names tend to be more commonly used than Josep.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]