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♂ Julien
What does Julien mean?
Julien ▲ as a name for boys is a Latin name, and Julien means "youthful; Jove's child". Julien is a French form of Julian (Latin): variant spelling of Julius.
ASSOCIATED WITH youthful (red)
OTHER FORMS VIA JULIAN Jolyon, Jules▼, Juliano, Julianus, Julio, Julius▼
Julien Jaxton (J.J.), ..
How popular is Julien?
Julien is a rare given name for men but a very popular last name for all people (#7024 out of 150436, Top 5%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Julien reached its peak position of #534 in the U.S. in the year 2009, and is presently at #576. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Julian (#36 LAST YEAR), Julius (#341), Julio (#522) and Jules (#1752) are the popular variation forms of Julien (#576). These forms of Julien reached the apex of their popularity in 2017 (AVERAGE #646) and have remained as common to this day (#645, ▲1%), but with versions such as Jules becoming somewhat outmoded. Julian and Julien are two of the more contemporarily stylish names for newborns among these.
Similar Names
Julien▲ is pronounced similarly to Jaelin, Jailin, Jaillen, Jalan, Jalen▼, Jalenn, Jalon, Jaylen and Jaylin▼. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Arlen▼, Arllen, Auden, Austen▼, Belden, Cullen▲, Dorien, Elden▼, Eugen, Halden, Halten (see Halton), Holden▲, Jaisen, Jalil, Jalin, Jamie▼, Jamin, Janzen, Jarin, Jaxen, Jaycen, Jayden, Jaysen, Jayven, Jevven (see Jevon), Jian, Joben, Jorden▼, Joren, Jorgen, Jude▲, Judsen, Judson, Jul, Jule, Julee (see July), Juley, Juli, July, Junio, Junius▼, Jupiter, Jurek, Jurgen, Juri, Jurian, Jurik, Juste, Justen, Kelden, Kelven, Kolten▲, Lucien, Malden, Millen, Nolen, Olen▼, Paulsen, Quillen, Rien, Ruben▼, Rusten, Selden, Talen▼, Tilden and Valen. These names tend to be more frequently used than Julien.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]