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♂ Junius
What does Junius mean?
Junius ▼ as a boys' name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Junius is "young". Financier Junius Spencer Morgan; football coach June Jones; author Junot Diaz.
VARIANTS June, Juneau, Junio, Junot
Junius Arthur (J.A.), ..
How popular is Junius?
Junius is an uncommonly occurring first name for men but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#52289 out of 150436, Top 35%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Junius reached its highest rank of #384 in the U.S. in the 1890s, but is not in the Top 1000 currently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
June is the only other prominent varying form of Junius ranked in the Top 2000. These relations of Junius were favored 128 years ago (MEDIAN #508).
Similar Names
Junius▼ is alike in pronunciation to Janiusz, Janos, Janus, Janusz and Jonas. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aengus, Angus, Anngus (see Angus), Arius, Caius, Dacius, Darius▼, Delius, Eugenius, Fabius, Faunus, Gaius, Gustus, Guus, Jairus, Jaris, Jarius, Jenarius, Jenkins, Jens, Jesous, Jesus, Jones, Joris, Josias, Juanito, Juanluis, Judas, Jules▼, Juli, Julian▲, Julianus, Julien▲, Julio, Julius▼, Junior▼, Juniper, Juri, Jurian, Jurik, Justinius, Justinus, Justis, Justus▲, Linus, Lucius▼, Lugus, Manus, Marius, Pincus, Pinkus, Pius, Pontius, Quintus, Rinus, Ruffus, Rufous, Rufus▼ and Sirius. These names tend to be more commonly used than Junius.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]