Home > Kail


What does Kail mean?

Kail Pronunciation of Kail as a name for boys is of English derivation. Kail is an alternate spelling of Cale (English): modern fashionable-sounding name of uncertain origin.



VARIANTS Kayle, Kale, Kaile, Cayle, Caile, Cael



Kail Diego (K.D.), ..

How popular is Kail?

Kail is a rare given name for men but a very popular last name for both adults and children (#16914 out of 150436, Top 11%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Cael (#1978 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Cale and Kale are the popular variation forms of Kail (NOT IN TOP 2000) rated in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Caile, are uncommon. These relations of Kail were popular in the year 2008 (USAGE OF 0.1%) and have become much less common since, with forms such as Kale becoming less in vogue. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Cael, Cale, Kale in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Kail and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Kail is alike in pronunciation to Cael, Caile, Cal, Cale, Cayle, Col, Coll, Kael, Kaile, Kale, Kayle, Kell, Kelle, Kile and Kyle. Other recommended sound-alike names are Amil, Axil, Bail, Basil, Bazil, Danil, Egil, Emil, Fadil, Gail, Galil, Gil, Hamil, Kacy, Kade, Kadin, Kadir, Kahil, Kahn, Kai, Kaimi, Kain, Kaine, Kaird, Kairn, Kaj, Kalil, Kam, Kamal, Kamil, Kane, Kaniel, Kano, Kapel, Karim, Karl, Karle, Karli, Karlo, Karol, Karr, Kasi, Kasie, Kay, Kaye, Keir, Ketil, Khalil, Kim, Kip, Kiril, Kit, Kraig, Kris, Kyril, Nabil, Phil, Sahil, Sail and Vail. These names tend to be more frequently used than Kail.
