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♂ Kaylob
What does Kaylob mean?
Kaylob as a boys' name is of Hebrew derivation, and the name Kaylob means "faith, devotion, whole hearted". Kaylob is an alternate spelling of Caleb (Hebrew): anglicized version of Kaleb.
Kaylob Johan (K.J.), ..
How popular is Kaylob?
Kaylob is an unusual given name for males. Kaylob is also an unusual last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Caleb (#45 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Kaleb (#207), Cayleb and Kayleb are the popular variation forms of Kaylob (NOT RANKED). Usage of these forms of Kaylob was widespread among parents 16 years ago (USAGE OF 0.8%) and is somewhat less today (USAGE 0.5%, 36.9% LESS). (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Baylor▲, Daylon, Gaylon, Gaylor, Iakob, Jackob, Jacob, Jakob▼, Jaylon▼, Kadon, Kael, Kaelan, Kaelin, Kaemon, Kaeto, Kahlil▼, Kaidon, Kail, Kaile, Kalan, Kale▼, Kalen, Kaley, Kalil, Kalin, Kamdon, Kamron, Kannon▲, Kano, Kanoa, Kanon, Karl▼, Karlan, Karle, Karli, Karlin, Karlo, Karlos, Karlson, Karlton, Karol, Karson▲, Kason▲, Kastor, Katlin, Kato, Kay▼, Kaycee, Kaydan, Kayde, Kayden▲, Kaydin, Kaydon, Kaye, Kayle, Kayley, Kayne, Kayvan, Kayven, Kealon, Klayton, Kylan▲, Kylar, Kyle▼, Kylen▲, Kyler▲, Kylor, Kyron, Naylor, Taylon, Taylor▼, Waylon▲, Yaacob, Yakob and Zaylor. These names tend to be more commonly used than Kaylob.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]