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♂ Kean
What does Kean mean?
Kean as a name for boys means "ancient; fighter; sharp, keen wit or eye". Kean is an alternate form of Cian (Irish, Gaelic). Kean is also a form of Keane (Irish, Gaelic, Old English): actor Edmund Kean.
VARIANTS Kiean, Kian▲, Keyne, Keene, Keen
Kean Menachem (K.M.), ..
How popular is Kean?
Kean is an unusual first name for males but a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#7533 out of 150436, Top 5%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Cian (#1275 FROM RECENT DATA) and Kian (#446) are the popular varying forms of Kean (UNLISTED) ranked in the Top 2000. Adoption of these relations of Kean is at its peak today (USAGE OF 0.05%). Kian has been the top favorite. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Kean is alike in pronunciation to Cain▲, Con, Conn, Cowan, Coyan, Kahn, Kain, Kaine, Kane▲, Kayne, Ken▼, Kenn, Keon, Khan, Khanh and Quin. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adan, Aman, Aran, Dean, Edan, Eran, Ewan, Felan, Frean, Gyan, Heman, Ian▲, Ifan, Iman, Jean▼, Jian, Juan▼, Kagan, Kahan, Kam, Kana, Kano, Kay▼, Kaz, Keagan, Kealan, Keanu▲, Kearn, Keary, Keaton, Kedar, Keelan, Kegan, Keilan, Kelan, Keld, Kellan, Kelvan, Kenan, Kenny▼, Kent▼, Keoni, Kerk, Kern, Kernan, Kevan, Kevin▼, Kevon▼, Keye, Kilean, Kiran, Koa▲, Kram, Kylan▲, Oran▼, Roan, Sean▼, Teman and Tevan. These names tend to be more frequently used than Kean.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]