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♂ Kelley (boy)
What does Kelley mean?
Kelley as a boys' name (also used as girls' name Kelley). Kelley means "strife, war". Kelley is an alternate spelling of Kelly (Irish, Gaelic): transferred use of the surname.
ASSOCIATED WITH strife (war)
Kelley Irvin (K.I.), ..
How popular is Kelley?
Kelley is a somewhat popular first name for men (#1082 out of 1220, Top 89%) and an even more popular last name for all people (#184 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Kelley reached its highest rank of #664 in the U.S. in the 1960s, but is not in the Top 1000 currently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Kelly (#1605 IN RECENT RANKINGS) is the only other popular alternative form of Kelley ranked in the Top 2000. Adoption of these forms of Kelley was widespread 6 decades ago (MEDIAN #393) and has become much reduced since.
Similar Names
Kelley is alike in pronunciation to Cailey, Caley, Coley, Colley, Culley, Cully, Kaley, Kayley, Kealey, Kealy, Keeley, Keelie, Keely, Kellagh and Kiley. Other recommended sound-alike names are Alley, Bellemy, Delles, Denley, Gilley, Halley, Hedley, Heller, Henley, Kaile, Kale▼, Kayle, Kelbey, Kelby, Kelden, Kell, Kellan, Kellby, Kelle, Kellen, Keller, Kellin, Kellven, Kelsey, Kelsy (see Kelsey), Kelten, Kelven, Kenlea, Kenlee, Kenley, Kenly, Kenney, Kepler, Kerbey (see Kirby), Kerrey, Kile, Klay, Kyle▼, Lesley, Mellen, Olley, Penley, Redley, Reilley, Sealey, Seeley, Selbey, Shelley, Sulley, Tulley, Webley, Welbey (see Welby), Wellbey (see Welby), Wellby, Wesley▲ and Willey. These names tend to be less frequently used than Kelley.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]