Home > Kenedi


What does Kenedi mean?

Kenedi Pronunciation of Kenedi as a name for boys. The meaning of the name Kenedi is "helmet head; ugly head". Kenedi is an alternate spelling of Kennedy (Irish, Gaelic): from Cinnéidigh.


ASSOCIATED WITH helmet (defender)


VARIANTS Kennedey, Kennady, Canady, Canaday



Kenedi Tucker (K.T.), ..

How popular is Kenedi?

Kenedi is an unusual given name for men. Kenedi is an unusual last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Kennedy (#1390 VIA LATEST LIST) is the only popular variation form of Kenedi (NOT RANKED). Other forms, like Canaday, are uncommon. Adoption of this relation of Kenedi was well-received 2 decades ago (#852) and is somewhat less today. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Kennedy in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Kenedi and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Recommended sound-alike names are Ferdi, Fredi, Gennadi, Geordi, Jeladi, Kane, Keane, Keder, Keefe, Keelie, Keelin, Keely, Keen, Keene, Keenen, Keer, Kees, Keiji, Keld, Ken, Kenan, Kendal, Kendel, Kendell, Kendill (see Kendall), Kendle, Kendon, Kendric, Kendrik, Kendrix, Kendyl, Kenelm, Kenhelm, Kenji, Kenlea, Kenlee, Kenley, Kenlie, Kenly, Kenn, Kennan, Kennelm (see Kenelm), Kenner, Kennet, Kenneth, Kennett, Kenney, Kennie, Kennon, Kennt, Kenny, Kenrik, Kent, Kentan (see Kenton), Kentin, Kenton, Kentt (see Kent), Kenway, Kenyon, Keoki, Keoni, Kerem, Ketti, Keven, Keveon, Keye, Keyes, Keyne, Kienen, Knud, Kodi, Kwesi, Randi and Yehudi. These names tend to be more commonly used than Kenedi.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
