Home > Kenton


What does Kenton mean?

Kenton Pronunciation of Kenton as a boys' name is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Kenton is "the royal settlement". Place name.


ASSOCIATED WITH old english, royal (king)


VARIANTS Kentan, Kentin



Kenton Christian (K.C.), ..

How popular is Kenton?

Kenton is a somewhat prominent first name for males (#987 out of 1220, Top 81%) and an even more prominent last name for all people (#16625 out of 150436, Top 11%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Kenton entered the list in 1910-1919 and reached its top position of #627 in the U.S. in the 1950s, and is presently at #1380. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Kenton name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Kenton outside U.S.

Similar Names

Kenton is alike in pronunciation to Quenten, Quentin, Quenton and Quinton. Other recommended sound-alike names are Anton, Belton, Benson, Benton, Berton, Brenton, Danton, Delton, Deston, Dexton, Dunton, Felton, Fenton, Glenton, Jenson, Jeston, Kamdon, Kannon, Kanon, Kealon, Keaton, Keenon, Keeton, Keiron, Keldon, Kellton, Kelten, Keltin, Kelton, Keltonn (see Kelton), Kelvon, Kempton, Kenan, Kendon, Kenn, Kennan, Kennon, Kent, Kentt (see Kent), Kenyon, Keon, Keveon, Kevion, Kevon, Kevron, Kolton, Leyton, Linton, Lynton, Manton, Mentor, Merton, Newton, Peyton, Renton, Rexton, Seaton, Seeton, Sefton, Seton, Sexton, Tanton, Teyton, Trenton, Vinton, Welton, Weston, Winton, Wynton and Zenon. These names tend to be less commonly used than Kenton.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
