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♂ Kentrell
What does Kentrell mean?
Kentrell as a name for boys is an Old English name, and the name Kentrell means "edge". Kentrell is a version of Kent (Old English).
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, edge (warrior)
Kentrell Fox (K.F.), ..
How popular is Kentrell?
Kentrell is a rare given name for men. Kentrell is an equivalently rare last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Kentrell was first listed in 1980-1989 and reached its peak position of #1176 in the U.S. in 1991, and is currently at #1595. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Kent (#1204 IN RECENT RANKINGS) is the only other popular varying form of Kentrell (#1595). Adoption of these relations of Kentrell was at its peak during the years 1960-1969 (AVERAGE #1080) and has become significantly diminished since, with the version Kent becoming less stylish.
Similar Names
Kentrell is alike in pronunciation to Quantrell, Quentrell and Quintrell. Other recommended sound-alike names are Bertell (see Berthold), Cartrell, Dantrell, Denzell, Derell, Derrell, Deverell, Dontell, Dontrell, Ferrell, Gerrell, Jerell, Jerrell▼, Jontell (see Jonte), Keandre, Kendall▼, Kendel, Kendell, Kendill (see Kendall), Kendrew, Kendric, Kendrick▲, Kendrik, Kendrix, Kendryck, Kendyll, Kenelm, Kenhelm, Kennelm (see Kenelm), Kentaro, Keondre, Kinnell, Kyrell, Latrell▼, Lendell, Lennell, Mendell, Merrell, Montrel, Montrell, Peverell, Rendell, Terell, Terrell▼, Verrell, Vontell and Wendell▼. These names tend to be more commonly used than Kentrell.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]