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♂ Krister
What does Krister mean?
Krister as a boys' name is of Latin derivation, and the meaning of Krister is "follower of Christ". Krister is an alternate spelling of Christian (Latin): from Latin Christianus.
ASSOCIATED WITH follower (servant)
VARIANT Christer
RELATED FORMS VIA CHRISTIAN Cristen, Criston, Cristos, Cristy, Kris▼, Kristian, Kristo
Krister Chance (K.C.), ..
How popular is Krister?
Krister is an uncommon given name for men. Krister is also a rare last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Christian (#55 IN 2018), Kristian (#733) and Kris are the popular varying forms of Krister (NOT RANKED). Other forms, like Cristen, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Krister was at its apex 22 years ago (AVERAGE #651) and has become significantly diminished since (#929, ▼56.5%), with the form Kris becoming somewhat dated. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Alaister, Alaster, Aleister, Alester, Alister, Allister, Alyster, Aristeo, Braiser (see Brazier), Braser, Brewster, Bricker, Bridger▲, Buster▼, Caster, Chester▼, Coster, Cristofer, Dieter, Elisher, Fester, Fisher▲, Forester, Forster, Foster▼, Fraser, Frasier, Kaiser▲, Kasper, Kastor, Keifer, Kester, Kidder, Kiefer▼, Kramer, Krispin, Kriss, Krist, Kristan, Kristien, Kristof, Kristofel, Kristofer▼, Kristoff, Kristoffer, Kristofor, Kristopher▼, Kristos, Krystof, Lester▼, Minster, Nester, Pieter, Procter, Prosper, Ritter, Tristen▼, Vester, Webster▼, Whistler, Winter and Wister. These names tend to be more commonly used than Krister.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]