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♂ Laredo
What does Laredo mean?
Laredo as a boys' name. Place name: a city in Texas, on the Rio Grande. It was founded by Spaniards in 1755. The name is used in the folk song "As I walked through the streets of Laredo".
Laredo Shea (L.S.), ..
How popular is Laredo?
Laredo is an unusual first name for males but a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#30614 out of 150436, Top 20%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Laredo has yet to be recorded in the list so far. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Alfredo, Bardo, Duardo, Evarado, Fredo, Gared, Haroldo, Jared▼, Lacey, Lacko, Ladd, Ladon, Laird, Lale, Lalo, Lando, Landon, Landor, Lane▲, Langdon, Lanzo, Lapo, Larch, Larell, Laren, Larenz, Larenzo, Largo, Larie, Lark, Larmor (see Larrimore), Larnell, Laron, Laroy, Larrens (see Lawrence), Larrey, Larrin, Lars, Larsen, Larson, Larue, Lary, Laszlo, Latrell▼, Laud, Laurean, Laureano, Lauren, Laurent, Laurenz, Lavell, Lavern▼, Lavrens (see Lawrence), Lazaro, Lazer, Lazlo, Ledon, Leedon, Leo▲, Lexo, Lindo, Lord, Loreno, Lorens, Lorent, Lorento, Lorenz, Ludo, Mareo, Murdo, Naldo, Nando, Nardo, Waldo▼ and Zared. These names tend to be more commonly used than Laredo.