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♂ Lathan
What does Lathan mean?
Lathan as a boys' name is pronounced LAY-then. It is of English origin. Rhyming variant of Nathan.
OTHER FORMS VIA NATHAN Natan, Nathen▼, Nathon
Lathan Romeo (L.R.), ..
How popular is Lathan?
Lathan is an uncommon first name for males but a very popular last name for both adults and children (#9684 out of 150436, Top 6%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Lathan entered the list in 1997 and reached its top rank of #931 in the U.S. in 2011, and is currently at #1372. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Nathan (#48 VIA LATEST LIST), Nathen and Nathon are the popular variation forms of Lathan (#1372). These forms of Lathan were favored as baby names in the year 2004 (ADOPTION OF 0.75%) and are somewhat less widespread today (ADOPTION 0.38%, 49% LESS), with the version Nathen becoming somewhat dated.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Athan, Cahan, Cathal, Cathan, Dathan, Eachan, Ethan, Gahan, Jahan, Kahan, Laban, Lachlan▲, Lachman, Ladon, Landan, Larran, Lasean, Lashawn, Latham, Lathom, Lavan, Lawton, Layton▲, Litten, Litton, Lothar, Lytten, Lytton, Mathian, Natan, Nathen▼ and Nathon. These names tend to be more frequently used than Lathan.