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♂ Lawrey
What does Lawrey mean?
Lawrey as a boys' name is a Latin name, and the name Lawrey means "from Laurentum". Lawrey is an alternate form of Lawrence (Latin).
VARIANTS Lorry, Lawry, Lawrie, Laurie, Larry▼, Larrey
RELATED FORMS VIA LAWRENCE Larenz, Larrens, Lars, Lauren, Laurens, Laurent, Laurenz, Lavrens, Loren▼
Lawrey Pedro (L.P.), ..
How popular is Lawrey?
Lawrey is an uncommon first name for males but a very popular last name for both adults and children (#56246 out of 150436, Top 37%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Lawrey (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000 are Larry (#706 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Lars (#1756), Lauren, Laurent, Laurie, Lawrence (#498) and Loren (#1988). These relations of Lawrey reached the top of their popularity in the 1940s (USAGE OF 2.31%) and are now significantly less conventional (USAGE 0.06%, 97% LESS), with versions such as Lawrence becoming less stylish. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Lawrey is alike in pronunciation to Laray, Larie, Laroy, Larue, Lary, Leary, Leeroy and Leroy▼. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aubrey▼, Autrey, Barney▼, Barrey, Canbey (see Canby), Carey▼, Carrey, Clarey, Cowrey (see Cowrie), Darcey, Davey, Dawley, Earley, Farley, Garey, Garrey, Garrvey (see Garvey), Garvey, Hadley, Hailey, Halsey, Hawley, Hayley, Jarvey, Kacey, Kaley, Kamrey, Korey▼, Lacey, Lacie, Laddey, Laddy, Laine, Laird, Lane▲, Lanier, Laren, Lark, Laron, Larran, Larren, Larron, Larsen, Lawler, Lawlor, Lawton, Lawyer, Layne▲, Lazer, Lesley, Levey, Linley, Linsey, Lowe, Lowel, Lynley, Mabrey, Murrey, Ohnrey, Parrey, Ramsey, Rawley, Sammey, Sandey, Terrey, Torey and Torrey▼. These names tend to be more commonly used than Lawrey.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]