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♂ Leighton
What does Leighton mean?
Leighton ▲ as a boys' name is pronounced LAY-ton. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Leighton is "meadow settlement". Place name used as a first name since the 19th century. Artist Frederick Leighton.
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, meadow, 19th century
Leighton Arie (L.A.), ..
How popular is Leighton?
Leighton is an uncommonly occurring first name for men but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#3933 out of 150436, Top 3%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Leighton was first listed in 1890-1899 and reached its top rank of #835 in the U.S. in 2018. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Leighton (#835 FROM RECENT DATA) are Layton (#658) and Leyton (#1606). These forms of Leighton were at the peak of their popularity in 2015 (AVERAGE #947) and are almost as common today (#1033, ▼12.1%). Layton and Leighton are two of the more trendy boy names among these.
Similar Names
Leighton▲ is alike in pronunciation to Laughton, Litton and Loughton. Other recommended sound-alike names are Ashton, Bellton, Bergeron, Berton, Brighton, Briton, Chilton, Clifton▼, Creighton, Crichton, Deion▼, Delton, Deston, Felton, Fenton, Gershon, Hilton▼, Houghton, Jeston, Keaton, Keeton, Kellton, Kelton, Kingston▲, Langsdon (see Langston), Langston▲, Langton, Laughlin, Ledon, Leedon, Leeron, Legate, Leggett, Leggitt, Lehman, Leigh, Leighland, Leith, Leron, Leshawn, Levon, Lindon, Linton, Lintonn (see Linton), Lion, Liron, Litten, Littonn (see Litton), Livingston, Loughlin, Meirion, Neillson (see Nelson), Neilson, Newton▼, Quinton, Remington▲, Renton, Rexton, Seaton, Seeton, Seton, Sexton, Shipton, Swinton, Teyton, Triston▼, Triton, Vinton, Welton, Wilton▼, Winston▲ and Wriston. These names tend to be more frequently used than Leighton.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]