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♂ Lionel
What does Lionel mean?
Lionel ▲ as a boys' name is pronounced LYE-a-nel. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Lionel is "lion". Originally a medieval French pet form of Leon. Used in the Middle Ages. Actor Lionel Barrymore; pop celebrity Lionel Richie.
VARIANTS Leonel▲, Leonello, Lionell, Lionelo, Lionello, Lionnel, Lionnell, Lionnello, Lonell, Lonnell, Lyonel, Lyinell, Lyonelo, Lyonnel, Lyonnell, Lyonnello
Lionel Dakota (L.D.), ..
How popular is Lionel?
Lionel is a very popular first name for males (#420 out of 1220, Top 34%) and a slightly less popular last name for both adults and children (#124872 out of 150436, Top 83%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Lionel reached its top rank of #324 in the U.S. in the 1930s, and is currently at #634. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Leon (#238 LAST YEAR), Leonel (#357), Lionell and Lonnell are the popular variation forms of Lionel (#634) listed in the Top 2000. Other variants, like Lionni, are seldom used. Usage of these forms of Lionel was at its most widespread during the years 1920-1929 (ADOPTION OF 0.26%) and is somewhat less today (ADOPTION 0.16%, ▼38%), with the form Leon becoming less fashionable. Leon is more familiar than the rest, although Leonel appears to be gaining popularity too.
Similar Names
Lionel▲ is alike in pronunciation to Lennell. Other recommended sound-alike names are Airyel, Arnel, Avenel, Burnel (see Burnell), Cornel, Dannel, Darnel, Donnel, Emonuel (see Emmanuel), Giovel, Howel, Joel, Jorel, Kimbel, Kornel, Laine, Larnell, Layne▲, Lemuel▼, Leonerd, Leonid, Liander, Lidon, Lige▼, Lin, Lind, Lindel, Lindell, Linder, Link, Linlea, Linlee, Linley, Linly, Linnie, Lino, Linus, Linzy, Lion, Liron, Litten, Loew, Lon▼, Long, Lonne, Lonny, Lonza, Lonzell, Lonzo▼, Loren▼, Lorne, Lovel, Lovell, Lowe, Lowel, Lowell▼, Lyons, Michel▼, Miguel, Mikkel, Miquel, Niel, Nigel▼, Niguel, Nijel, Nikhel, Nowel, Parnel, Powel, Rodel, Ronel, Sorel, Videl and Yoel. These names tend to be less commonly used than Lionel.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]