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♂ Macdowell
What does Macdowell mean?
Macdowell as a boys' name. The meaning of the name Macdowell is "son of Dougal". Macdowell is a version of Macdougal (Scottish, Gaelic).
VARIANT Mcdowell
Macdowell Huxley (M.H.), ..
How popular is Macdowell?
Macdowell is an uncommon first name for men but a very popular last name for both adults and children (#17884 out of 150436, Top 12%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Macdowell has yet to be recorded in the list so far. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Blackwell, Caddell, Cadell, Caldwell, Cardell, Carswell, Caswell, Crowell, Gardell, Hallewell, Halliwell, Hallowell, Hartwell, Harwell, Howell, Ladell, Lowell▼, Macardell (see Macardle), Maccowan (see Macgowan), Maccowen (see Macgowan), Macdonald, Macgowan, Macneal, Macneill, Macniel, Mandel, Mandell, Manoel, Mansell, Marcell, Mardel, Markell, Marlowe, Marshell, Martell, Marvell, Marzell, Maurell, Maxwell▲, Maxwelle, Mccardell, Mcdonald, Mcdougal, Mcgowen, Mendell, Migdoll (see Migdal), Morell, Nowell, Powell, Randell▼, Rockwell, Rowell, Sachiell (see Sachiel), Samwell, Vachell (see Vachel), Waddell, Wadell, Wardell and Waydell (see Wade). These names tend to be more commonly used than Macdowell.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]