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♂ Machon
What does Machon mean?
Machon as a boys' name is of Gaelic derivation, and the meaning of Machon is "early". Machon is an alternate spelling of Mochan (Gaelic).
RELATIONS VIA MOCHAN Machent, Machin, Mason▲, Massen, Masson
Machon Kyrie (M.K.), ..
How popular is Machon?
Machon is a rare first name for men but a very popular surname for all people (#56526 out of 150436, Top 38%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
The only prominent variation form of Machon (NOT RANKED) listed in the Top 2000 is Mason (#9 IN 2018). Other variants, like Machen, are seldom used. This relation of Machon reached the top of its popularity in the year 2012 (ADOPTION OF 1%) and is somewhat less popular today (ADOPTION 0.7%, ▼31.1%). (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Machon is alike in pronunciation to Maccowan, Maccowen, Macgowan, Macon, Mccain and Mcgown. Other recommended sound-alike names are Barton, Beacon, Camdon, Camron▼, Carson▲, Dagon, Dajon, Dallon, Daymon, Eachan, Eamon, Eatton, Fabion, Faxon, Galvon, Hacon, Hadon, Hanson, Haroon, Jachin, Jacson, Jakson, Jaxson▲, Jaydon▼, Jaylon▼, Kaidon, Mabon, Maccoy, Maceo, Mack▼, Macmahon, Macy, Madox, Mahlon, Maimon, Maldon, Mallon, Malmun, Mann, Manoa, Manton, Manzo, Mardon, Marion▼, Marlin▼, Marlon, Marshon, Marten, Martin▼, Marton, Marven, Maslon, Mateo▲, Matheu, Mathian, Maxson, Meldon, Melvon, Michel▼, Michio, Morton▼, Nachson, Nathon, Patton, Salmon, Talon, Taroon, Tychon and Yachov. These names tend to be more commonly used than Machon.