Home > Marcelin


What does Marcelin mean?

Marcelin Pronunciation of Marcelin as a name for boys. Marcelin means "little warrior". Marcelin is a version of Marcel (French, Latin): form of Marcellus.


ASSOCIATED WITH little, warrior


RELATIONS VIA MARCEL Marceau, Marcell, Marcellin, Marcellino, Marcello, Marcellus, Marcelo, Marcely



Marcelin Hyrum (M.H.), ..

How popular is Marcelin?

Marcelin is an uncommonly occurring first name for men but a very prominent last name for all people (#20284 out of 150436, Top 13%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Marcel (#734 VIA LATEST LIST), Marcell, Marcello (#1313), Marcellus (#961) and Marcelo (#610) are the popular alternative forms of Marcelin (NOT RANKED). Other forms, like Marceau, are uncommon. These forms of Marcelin were favored in the year 2017 (USAGE OF 0.06%) and have remained as common to this day (USAGE 0.06%, 2.5%). Marcel has historically been popular among parents, though Marcelo is currently the most fashionable. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Marcel, Marcell, Marcello, Marcellus, Marcelo in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Marcelin and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Recommended sound-alike names are Acelin, Arcelio, Carlin, Carmeli, Darcel, Darcell, Garlin, Hamelin, Harlin, Jaelin, Kaelin, Karlin, Karmeli, Macalpin, Macerio, Machin, Macklin, Malin, Mallin, Marchall, Marcio, Mardel, Marden, Markel, Markell, Marlan, Marlen, Marlin, Marlinn (see Marlon), Marlon, Marmeon (see Marmion), Marquel, Marsdin, Marsean, Marshell, Martel, Martell, Marten, Martenn, Martin, Marvel, Marvell, Marven, Marvin, Marwin, Marzell, Maslin, Masslin and Merlin. These names tend to be more frequently used than Marcelin.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
