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♂ Marciano
What does Marciano mean?
Marciano as a boys' name means "little warrior". Marciano is an Italian form of Marcel (French, Latin): variant spelling of Marcellus.
OTHER FORMS VIA MARCEL Marceau, Marcello, Marcelo▲
Marciano Brandon (M.B.), ..
How popular is Marciano?
Marciano is an uncommon first name for men but a very popular last name for both adults and children (#11026 out of 150436, Top 7%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Marciano (NOT RANKED) are Marcel (#734 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Marcello (#1313) and Marcelo (#610). Adoption of these relations of Marciano is at its most widespread today (USAGE OF 0.1%). Marcel and Marcelo are two of the more contemporarily stylish boy names in this list. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Aciano, Adriano, Briano, Carmino, Dacian, Damiano, Darcio, Darian, Darrian, Fabiano, Fabriano, Graciano, Hadriano, Jacian, Lauriano, Luciano▲, Marcas, Marchall, Marcio, Marco, Mariano, Marianos (see Mariano), Marianus, Mariland (see Maryland), Marimo, Marino, Marinor (see Marriner), Marinos, Mario, Marion▼, Markaine, Markham, Marlan, Marland, Marlin▼, Marlinn (see Marlon), Marmion, Marmionn (see Marmion), Marriland (see Maryland), Marrinor (see Marriner), Marsean, Marshawn, Marshon, Martijn, Martin▼, Martino, Martinos, Marvin▼, Marwin, Maryland, Mathian, Morgan▼, Morino, Morrgan, Narciso, Paciano and Salviano (see Salvio). These names tend to be more commonly used than Marciano.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]